Sunday, July 17, 2005

Master Debater?

If a debate falls in the forest and nobody's around to hear, does it really make any noise in the polls?

Well, debate #1 is done with, and some accounts have Kilgore winning.

Me? I think it's more a case of diminished expectations. In the previous meeting between the two Kilgore lost his cool ("I have no duty to you, Mr. Lieutenant Governor... on this issue..."), and all the GOP wanted from him was to be mean and not make an ass out of himself. Well, he didn't drool on the podium, so it's all good, and he remembered his lines (hope he can remember more if he's elected). I just have a hard time believing that not being as bad as expected is actually winning.

Do you get the feeling he's actually an effeminate George Allen wearing a mask? Liberace had a more masculine speaking voice than this guy. Close your eyes and listen to Michael Waltrip and Kilgore back to back. Has anyone ever seen them together? Their accents are a strange mix of Grenwich Village and Wise County. Very weird.

Well, how did the debate fall for Kaine? He played good cop this time, pushing substance more than style. Not exciting, but there are times that's appropriate. I still think he'll wipe the floor with Kilgore if there's a televised debate. But Mark Warner-lite still has to be more on the offensive (in debates and in the campaign). Maybe it's time Mudcat penned another song, although bluegrass is SO 2001. Is their campaign really this adrift?

The real winner in the debate? It's certainly not the voters, so it's gotta be Potts. I think he gets more publicity and sympathy by not being in it than by participating. I think he would have come off looking very old against those other two if he'd been in it. I must admit it though, it would have been a lot of fun to see some of his folksy barbs come out. Maybe next time (who am I kidding?)

More soon, the back and forth email "press releases" (really just the same old lines traded back and forth) that were so common just two months ago have slowed down to a complete crawl. I just think the apathy that the voters are feeling has crept into the campaigns. But hey, it's just July!

How can you say Kilgore is not a good debater??? He clearly won the debate with Kaine last Saturday! He is clearly the better candidate and will make a great governor.

In addition, I find offense to the references between Kilgore and Michael Waltrip. So what if they have less than masculine speaking voices.

As a gay man I am truly offended by your comments!!!!!
As a straight man, I'm offended by your being offended by me.
ha ha. Good blog, I like it.
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