Monday, July 18, 2005

A matter of choice? & Debate part Deux...

Alrighty, here's the issue du jour: Kaine's stance on abortion. Hot topic, with the Supreme Court vacancy and all, but it seems that Kilgore's folks are throwing stones here...

Here's the jist of a Kilgore press release today: Kaine be pro-life, but waffles to a pseudo pro-choice. Or at its distilled form that's given to us; Kaine bad, Kilgore good. It seems like a decent man would applaud someone who shares his beliefs on such a controversial subject. But, alas...

I give it a big, fat "whatever".

Kilgore Deputy Press Secretary Tucker Martin, you need some new material, and a new name (does anybody else have the image of a very pale guy wearing a bow tie, hush puppies and no socks?). Things aren't necessarily that simple. I'm not buying it because we've all seen this time and time again.

That's what's so frustrating about this campaign. We're seeing the EXACT same thing over and over, without the slight chance of negativity or doubt. Both campaigns actually think we're that stupid, and frankly, it's gotten very old.

And that's the frustration with the debate as well. Instead of involving in a serious discussion on the issues, both candidates were so coached that it didn't really matter what question was asked, they already had their answer. Here's a sample:

Q: "Mr. Candidate, what color is the sky?"

A: "Well, my opponant will tell you green, maroon, crimson or lavender, however he sees it at that time. I'll tell you the sky is the color of liberty we see on the American flag. I've always been a patriotic American. I was working to protect the people of Virginia while my opponant was (pick one) {dodging the draft, smoking pot, flip-flopping, burning flags, stealing kids' lunch money, molesting cattle}. That's why you should vote for me, because I'll tell it to you straight. And that's the straight facts, no ifs, ands, or buts."

We have some very complex issues here in Virginia, and none of them can be solved by a simple yes or no answer. Reality is like a rainbow, folks, there's a whole lot of color out there to be had. There are a whole lot more choices than just white or just black.

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