Thursday, September 01, 2005

Coming Out With Both Barrels

Nothing gets copied in politics like a good idea.

So now we have "Sportsmen for Kaine", and "Sportsmen for Kilgore". Hmmm... Sounds a lot like "Sportsmen for Warner" circa 2001.

Besides obvious pandering to the "Bubba Vote" (as Mudcat Saunders likes to call them), this is a flat out attempt to ignite or defuse the classic argument over 2nd amendment rights. Pretty thinly veiled attempts, too. I don't think they're talking about stocking rates, shad restoration, or bag limits here. Kilgore wants to show he's manly. Kaine wants to show that he's not a gun-grabber.

Really, when do you think was the last time that Kaine or Kilgore woke up at 2:30 to climb into a tree stand all alone? Kaine probably couldn't find a deer rub if he was hugging it. Kilgore would probably be afraid he'd break a nail and mess up his overly-moussed hair in those icky woods.

These moves are really not even worth the effort. The Warner bluegrass song excited the voting public more than "Sportsmen for Warner" in 2001. But back then it was obviously excellent planning because that group was fresh on the heels of the "right to hunt and fish amendment." Now it just looks like unimaginative pandering. They could have at least picked original names and slogans.

So now it's boiled down to "He hates guns." "No I don't, watch me shoot skeet."

The pro-gun argument has been flawed for so many years. You really do not need to stockpile firearms in case the Commies come calling. That's what the military is for. Is a revolt against the government anywhere close to happening? Maybe in New Orleans, but not here. Is someone going to break into your house while your family is sleeping? It happens, but the chances are far too remote to live in fear.

Where do you draw the line? Do bazookas really need to be legal for everyone? If you think that's the case, there's some nice groups in Montana, Michigan, and Waco that you should talk to. They are extremists with too little to do, and too much to hate. And real hunters and fishermen should be ashamed that they're generally supporting the same ideas.

Relax, guys. Nobody's going to take your precious Lugers, Brownings, Glocks, or Winchesters away. It's just not going to happen in Virginia, no matter who is in the Governor's mansion.

I say all of this as a proud sportsman and gun owner (x2) myself. A Browning pump shotgun and a .308 Winchester. Nice guns, used for target practice and Bambi blasting. Nothing more.

Frankly, the NRA scares me. The should protect my rifle, and not the nut in the woods who has to have his full auto AK-47 with the 400 round drum attachment, or the thug packing heat so somebody won't try to steal his income from streetcorner commerce. "From my cold dead hand" has become all too common, except it is police collecting evidence and not attempts at registration.

So will this argument really carry traction in this campaign? I hope not, because no matter who wins, nothing drastic is going to happen to gun rights. There are much more important issues in Virginia, like the 350 gun related murders and manslaughters in Virginia in 2004. THAT'S the issue on which our focus should lie.

Now that's a pretty good analysis of the basics of the "Second Amendment Political Scene." You're right....True "sportsmen" and hunters don't really worry about keeping AK 47's or "Streetsweepers" safe for democracy.

In the debate over the banning of the streetsweeper in the 1993 Session of the General Assembly, one representative of the NRA testified at a hearing that such a gun "...could be used for hunting." To this astounding assertion, a delegate replied "If you use it for hunting you're not going to get venison; you're going to get hash."

No one is going to seize any legitimate hunting firearms from legal owners in this state--all candidates know it. If they say otherwise--they're lying.
I think most conservative bloggers know this. But every election year, it's "THEY'LL TAKE YER GUNS!!!!" all over again.

Kaine and Warner and Deeds all supported a bill that was marginally helpful for hunters and fisherman. Other than that, no one has any sort of record relevant to either taking away guns or helping people get more guns. The whole issue is a joke.
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