Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here a Bill, there a Bill...

We've somehow made it through the first few weeks of the General Assembly, and no reports of rats biting anyone. Somehow, I'm slightly upset.

So what have we learned so far?

Vicious dogs are threatening to take over Virginia.
If the dogs don't do it, the homosexuals will.
Little League baseball games are the cause of insomnia.
Bob Marshall is still a blowhard.
All of the above must be stopped or the Commonwealth will fall.

Oh yeah, we need more cash to build new roads that will be overcrowded as soon as the last cone is pulled off of it. Sounds like solid policy, eh?

That's pretty much the focus that I've seen. We need some droopy drawers to liven up this joint. Or maybe somebody should try the "Whale Tail" bill, (the appearance of thong underwear above the waistband of pants, shorts or a skirt, according to Merriam-Webster).

Ugh, Chris Peace is now in the General Assembly. This is exactly what I think Virginia does not need right now... Another young, over-the-top, social Republican who is in such a safe district he'll be around for years. Once you figure out what Peace and Ben Cline do for actual jobs, drop me a line. I'd love to hear about it.

Why Peace and Cline work in the same line as Senator Martin and Delegate Janis.
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