Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Triumphant Return!!!

Yawn... So did I miss anything???
- Rip Van Winkle

Well, unless you are calendar-ly challenged, you've noticed I haven't been around here a while.

Why not? Boredom, apathy, laziness, and a few other adjectives that I'm not going to bother looking up in the thesaurus.

Bored with what, you may ask? Well, our political process for starters.

The Democratic primary has pretty much been a wash so far. As I predicted earlier, this primary is just bringing up WAY too much ammunition for the Republicans to use in the general election. Like a fighter after a 15 round bout, whoever wins will not be the same for the next fight had there been no primary. These guys have not done too much to inspire. Jim Webb acts too much like a robot on the campaign trail, and you just get the sense that Harris Miller is just running to have something to do on Friday nights. There's no real ideas being discussed, just the usual slash-and-burn politics... without TV ads because they can't raise enough money.

Blogs are bothering me too. I'm a little sick of the Webb-mania being spread around. That band of misfits has hitched their wagons to a war hero, and are just looking straight ahead, never mind the facts. You know who you are.

What else, you may pry?

How about the budget? I've repeatedly been astounded by the lack of cooperation between the HoD and Senate. Just meet halfway, kiss and make up, and just get something done.

Where's the RPV to try to bring both sides together to strenghten the party? Oh yeah, it's been hijacked by the right-wingers just like the national party! How fun!

Memo to Chichester and Howell: WE REALLY DON'T CARE AS LONG AS THE DMV'S AND MUSEUMS DON'T CLOSE! Really. Just ask Jim Gilmore and Mark Warner.

This brings up two other things I'm a little upset about as well. Why have I heard Jim Gilmore's name lately? Does he REALLY suspect his legacy here in Virginia is strong enough to return to the Governor's mansion, or (good god) Washington??? Surely the people of Virginia cannot be THAT stupid.

And then there's Mark Warner. Quickly on the verge of becoming an also-ran in the '08 presidential race. Just about two months after being the darling, his popularity seems like it's beginning to falter.

Just a few months ago things looked so bright for politics in Virginia. Now it seems like the shades have been opened on the dirty little secret: neither party really has its $#!^ together in the state, and it's not going to change anytime soon.

But I promise, I'll be there with the pooper-scooper to dissect whatever droppings fall from Richmond and the campaign trail.

...and this time, I mean it.

"And then there's Mark Warner. Quickly on the verge of becoming an also-ran in the '08 presidential race. Just about two months after being the darling, his popularity seems like it's beginning to falter."

It doesn't matter. He'll have plenty of money to get his message out.
Not saying his chances are waning. Just saying that things are getting kinda dull around here.

That's the pain about too much coverage too early. The major publications think they've already done too much on you, and the wave crashes.

He'll have plenty of cash doing all these fundraisers, but he'll have to earn back a lot of his popularity.
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